¿What is SIESUE?
The SIESUE is a dissemination and consultation system, which aims to centralize the information on statistics and indicators, over time, on substantive and strategic issues of university and inter-university work, raised in each of the five-year University Higher Education Plans.
This page responds to improve the transparency and accountability of each of the Universities belonging to the State University Higher Education System (SESUE), as an integrated system, through approved information, which guarantees reliability and validity, as well as greater access to the knowledge and dissemination of information.
The state universities of Costa Rica, in order of creation are: University of Costa Rica (UCR), Technological Institute of Costa Rica (TEC), National University of Costa Rica (UNA), State Distance University (UNED) and Technical University of Costa Rica (UTN).

National State University Higher Education Plans
From its creation, Consejo Nacional de Rectores (Conare) assumed the functions entrusted to it by the Costa Rican Higher Education Coordination Agreement:
- Plan state university higher education Manage and administer the Special.
- Fund for Higher Education (FEES).
The Plans is the document agreed upon by the five state universities that make up Conare, in which the commitments, objectives and strategic actions that frame the work of the state universities during the next five-year period are specified. For its preparation, the policies and guidelines approved by the University and Institutional Councils are considered, as well as the respective development plans of each of the institutions that make up the State University Higher Education System (Sesue).