CONARE 2024 Declaratory

Extension and Social Action

What is called action and extension within the State University Higher Education System (SESUE)?:
The extension and social action is an academic process that seeks to strengthen the capacities of the various populations where it interacts creatively and critically, through dialogue and the democratization of academic knowledge, products and services, for the achievement of mutual learning and favoring of the development of different sectors of society. And whose objective is “to contribute to the transformation of social reality through concerted and articulated activities with communities, productive sectors and other actors that promote the exchange of experiences and the joint construction of solutions to the problems they face.

What are projects of the System Fund in SESUE?:
The resources of the system fund are used to formulate projects or work plans that fulfill the purpose for which the System Fund (FS) was created: to promote actions and tasks of construction and development of the State University Higher Education System. Likewise, the projects and work plans must be framed within the context of the National Plan for Higher Education (PLANS) in force at the time of formulation and respond to the objectives and strategic actions considered therein.

SIESUE English