Risk and control Subcomittee
This subcommittee is in charge of controlling risks on the fulfillment of the goals proposed in PLANES 2021-2025. Its main objective is to develop the necessary actions to assess the risks of the Plans.
- Jorge García Yen, (UCR)
- Silvia Salazar Bolaños, (UCR)
- Andrea Contreras Alvarado, (TEC)
- Yaffany Monge Davanzo, (TEC)
- Giovanni Duran Cascante, (UNA)
- Yeimy Araya Mata, (UNA)
- Luz Adriana Martínez Vargas, (UNED)
- Wendy León Sánchez, (UTN)
- Jose Pablo Jimenez Otarola, (UTN)
- Gabriela Villalobos Arias, (CONARE), gvillalobos@conare.ac.cr